
IDEAS Framework Phase 2: Designing a Plan ideas framework ideas framework phase 2 Sep 11, 2024

The next phase of the IDEAS Framework is designing a plan of the job types, companies and people you need to talk to get more information about this career path you’re uncovering.

In Introspection, you identified your core skills and your personality traits. You did some research on how...

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IDEAS Framework Phase 1: Introspection | Core Skills ideas framework ideas framework phase 1 tools Aug 21, 2024

The path to finding a job that brings you fulfillment is to know your own core skills.  We’ve been talking about the importance of this in our past few blog posts.  Here's why taking the time to understand your core skills is essential.

Why Self-Assessment Matters

  1. Clarity and...
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IDEAS Framework Phase 1: Introspection | Professional Alignment ideas framework ideas framework phase 1 Aug 14, 2024

In a world where the average person will spend approximately one-third of their life at work, finding professional alignment isn't just a luxury—it's a necessity for long-term happiness and fulfillment. At Slingshot, we believe that true career satisfaction comes when you are utilizing your...

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IDEAS Framework Phase 1: Introspection ideas framework ideas framework phase 1 Aug 06, 2024

I believe we don’t take the time to truly know ourselves.  Reason being, there are so many distractions in the world (including this text, email, TikTok device in my pocket that commands my attention).  Maybe the rest of the world just seems more interesting.  Truth is,...

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Introducing the IDEAS Framework ideas framework tools Jul 31, 2024

I’ve seen it time and time again; the moment a young person realizes they were dreaming small and what once felt impossible starts to feel in reach.  It’s a glimmer of hope and excitement about possibilities.  

It’s that vision of it all coming together. ...

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